Thank You, Medium Writers & Friends !!!
I was lost in a storm of fears
Till I saw your light.
I would have drowned in a sea of tears
Had day not followed night.
I languished in my cares
But you helped make it right.
I don’t know why I fear and stress, when the circumstances that cause these feelings always teach me so much.
A few days ago I realized I had ignored an important email from Medium. Now the heat was on, I had until the end of the month to gain a minimum of 100 followers and so far I only had sixty.
Up until this mini stress event, I had lived in the land of my own reality. I treasured reads and comments from my kind and faithful followers, read and enjoyed Medium articles, but did not in any way feel connected to other Medium writers. My little crisis changed all of that.
I could feel the eyerolls behind the texts from my millennial daughters when I told them of my predicament. Forty followers in a few days sounded like a breeze to them. They texted me simple ways to connect.
“So much for being the mother!” I said it out loud, hoping they couldn’t hear me grumbling through text (Could they?).